Lina J

Lina J

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Coronavirus Hit Record "Rules Of The House" Feat. Don't Touch!

If the law says you should not touch than I've seen a lot of law breakers this week and not a cop in sight. It's hard to imagine anyone other than Matthew McConaughey reciting that infamous "Magic Mike" line yet here we are asking, Corona who? The Coronavirus. The truth is, there is a stigma of the unknown for the obvious reasons that we are not sure and we do not understand the consequences.

The unknown can be a scary feeling especially when you're facing the unknown that is changing how you live your daily life. Millions of students are idled for weeks in districts across the nation, parents scrambling to find child care, businesses, including places of worship are scaling back or closing their doors to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19, a virus many know little about.

However, from the time I can remember as a little girl, washing your hands and sneezing in the elbow was a must at my house. At times, it even felt like it was a chore. As often as my mother and grandmother would yell "make sure you wash your hands" after my brother and I would come in the house from playing outside. I'm almost certain it was on our daily list of chores which was a piece of paper that stuck to the refrigerator door like a magnet. Having said that, you don't need to know exactly WHO Corona is to know it's a good idea to frequently wash your hands, cover your nose, and mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. Sound like something a mother would say, right? Yes, and with good reason. My mother didn't need to know who I was playing with outside to determine if I needed to wash my hands after playing outside all day. What she did know was I had been outside and that it was very likely I'd be bringing back unknown company, germs.

So before you panic and go coronavirus crazy just remember that the unknown is the unknown for a reason-you don't know what it is.

Instead, focus on what you do know because every moment of your life, you are facing the unknown around the next corner.

Corona who? Perhaps corona will understand the rules of the house-momma said wash your hands and Don't Touch!

Corona Who-Edition One


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